The new bands in the 40 MHz and 60 MHz regions will, among other things, facilitate modern type beacons in the region of these frequencies as well as moving the existing 70 MHz beacon on 70.130 MHz to the section of the band designated for beacons. These new frequency bands are listed among the bands available generally to radio amateurs in Annex 1 of a recently revised version of the Amateur Station Licence Guidelines document ComReg 09/45 R4 which is available on the ComReg website. The latter band also includes digital television in addition to all other modes. You can do it by several ways: using our page, facebook, twitter and google plus.Category: Views: 61838. This is an increase of 275 kHz over the existing band of 70.125 MHz to 70.450 MHz and is the full band that may be allocated to the amateur service under the European Common Allocations table.įurther spectrum covering all modes including digimodes has been granted on a secondary basis at 30 to 49 MHz and 54 to 69.9 MHz. We will consider every comment and try to help you out, if you having some troubles. ComReg, the Irish telecoms regulator has extended the 4 m band IRTS writes: 'The 70 MHz band has been extended to 69.9 MHz to 70.5 MHz.